The word Christian means “little Christ”, a believer of the Christian faith. The word “Saint” means “the sanctified ones”. Being a saint or Christian is by faith and the grace of God. The day an unbeliever is save his/her sins are forgiven by God. As far, as God is concerned his/her sins are not counted and the righteousness of God is release, and peace with God is given.
After salvation God expects every believer to take the responsibilities of Christians seriously. In the scriptures, a believer is expected to conform more and more to the image of Christ (Rom. 12: 1-2; 8: 29). The believer is not immune from God’s judgment because the Bible declares that judgement must begin from the house of God (I Pet. 4: 17).
The saints are called to be an overcomer. An overcomer outnumber his/her shortcomings through spiritual maturity, abiding with Christ (John 15:1-8) and daily spiritual responsibilities (Rev. 12: 11), and daily spiritual rebounding through the blood of Christ (1 John 1: 7 & 9).
- NEGLIGENCE: This is error of omission. God is first and foremost interested in our personal obedience, and faithfulness to Him. There’s negligence when we focused on others instead of ourselves, when we leave the substance and follow the shadow. A believer is also negligent if he or she fails to do what’s expected as a Christians due to lack of knowledge of the word of God.
- PRAYERLESSNESS: Refusal to pray, failure to pray, praying too late are all dangerous. Samuel declared that it would be a sin on his part if he failed to keep interceding for his nation; Israel (1 Sam. 12: 23). There are many errors /shortfalls/ disobedient when we don’t pray. Precious lives are lost or wasted owing to refusal to pray. Battles have been lost as a result of absence of strong prayer base from our efforts. God is always looking for intercessions who will stand in gap (Ezek. 22: 30).
- LACK OF FAITH: The Bible says in Romans 14: 23b “…whatever is not from faith is sin”. This is failure to trust God. Everything which is not from faith is sin. This verse says a believer has to act from faith and confidence in God. God has the ability and capacity to work everything for our good because we love him and are called according to His purpose (Rom.8: 23).
- PRESUMPTIOM: Presumption is when we do something that we think is right without knowing the mind of God. This is the error of commission. We make a lot of assumption when we walk by feelings and desires that are not Christ-centered. The story in 1 Chronicles 13:1-14 says, there are 2 errors of what King David did. First there’s the “Error of Modernism”. God cannot be modernized or improved, God has never been outdated. God can do a new thing because He is sovereign but man cannot make God obsolete. King David error was using a new chart for the Ark instead asking the Levites bear the Ark on their shoulders. This is irreversible blunder. The second error is the “Error of Helping God”. Uzzah put up his hand to hold the Ark from falling because the oxen stumbled. This led to his death. Uzzah suffered for trying to help God. Today, we cannot help God. Salvation, deliverance and breakthrough are not the works of men but, by grace through faith in God.
- IGNORANCE: Ignorance is not an excuse in earthly government and is not an excuse in the kingdom of God. God loves personal responsibility and does not take ignorance lightly. The word of God says “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge” (Hos. 4: 6). God loves obedient and from Genesis to Revelation the Scriptures tells us to be obedient and faithful. These commandments come with personal responsibility. Saints needs to be meek and teachable so that they can fear and love God (Psalm 25: 8, 9, 12-14).
The knowledge of God is the antidote to ignorance. There’s a difference between knowing about God and knowing God. The desires to know God comes from intimacy and fellowship not religion. Religion is bondage, keeps the influences and promptings of Holy Spirit. Without the Holy Spirit there’s no freedom, enjoyment and inheritance in God (1 Cor. 2: 8-12).
THE NEED FOR DELIVERANCE: The church today needs deliverance not from demons or Satan but from erroneous sentiments, imaginations, and the flesh of the spirit, and all that hinders us. We all have weak points which our enemies used to prevent us from entering and fulfilling our destiny. We are commanded to not give place to the devil (Eph. 4: 27).
CONCLUSION: We need to avoid these sins. God has given us the tools to live with him and fulfil His end-time purposes for our lives. Everyday day abiding in Christ helps. Right living according to the word of God helps. Yielding and submission to the leading of the Holy Spirit helps. Sometimes we fail, but God has given us the how we can rebound, walk in His light and maintain our fellowship with Him (I John 1: 7 & 9).