There are five heavenly crowns that believers can receive in heaven. Crowns are God’s rewards that He bestows on believers in heaven for eternity. These crowns are incorruptible and will last for all eternity. Just like trophies, rings and plaques are given to sport heroes or winning team in sports, God will do the same in heaven (Scriptures for eternal rewards and loss of rewards 2 Cor. 5:10; Rom. 14: 11-12; I Cor. 3: 10-15).
The Greek word translated “crown” is Stephanos (the source for the name Stephen the martyr) and means “a badge of royalty, a prize in the public games or a symbol of honor generally.” Crown means victory, reward, and honor. Those Christians who are faithful to the end will be given these crowns.
- THE IMPERISHABLE CROWN- (I Cor. 9: 24-27) Apostle Paul best defines for us how these crowns are awarded. All things on this earth are subject to decay and will perish (I Pet. 1: 3-5) Jesus exhorted us not to store our treasures on earth “where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal” (Matt. 6: 19). This is the “victor’s crown” and is given to believers who faithfully run the race, who crucify every selfish desire in the flesh and point men to Jesus. These believes follow God’s plan, purpose and mission for their lives and they run the race or call that has set out for them with certainty, purpose, and intensity and are even prepared to make whatever sacrifice to successfully complete the mission and call God has set out for them.
- THE CROWN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS-(2 Tim. 4:7- 8). This crown can be inherited through the righteousness by faith in Christ (Not our own sense of righteousness). This crown can be obtained and possessed by faith living (Living a good and righteous life for God the father with what time we have left down here). This crown is for both Justification by faith and Sanctification in the Spirit (Explain).
- THE CROWN OF REJOICING- (1 Thess. 2: 19-20; Dan. 12:3). This crown is for those who lead others to Christ or demonstrate fruitfulness by influencing others towards righteousness. This is the soul winner’s crown. The Apostle Paul is calling those he has saved his “Joy” and his “crown of rejoicing.” God will judge you by your willingness and desire to be used by Him to witness to others, not necessarily on how many actually get saved, because we are to water and He gives the increase. There are many Christians who are simply too busy to be willing to be used by God to try to lead others to the Lord. God can fit opportunities for you in your life to witness and work for Him if you allow Him to.
- THE CROWN OF LIFE-(Ja. 1:12; Rev.2:8-11). For those believers who endure trials, tribulations, and severe suffering, even unto death this crown is also referred to as the martyr’s crown. This crown is for those who love God. If you love the Lord you will undergo severe hardship, testing, tribulation and /or physical death on His behalf. Because this crown is for those who demonstrated God’s love. The question is how do we demonstrate our love for God? (1 John 5: 3; Heb. 12:2).
- THE CROWN OF GLORY-(1 Pet. 5: 1-4; Isa. 28: 5). This crown is for those who faithfully fulfil and finish the work or assignment God has given them. This crown is for Pastors, teachers, Sunday school teachers, missionaries, and ministers who teach the word of God. This crown is for those who teach and shepherd others in the knowledge of God’s word and grace. Glory is the very nature and actions of God. It entails His great splendor and brightness (See Rev. 4:10-11; Acts 7: 55-56, Isa. 42: 8, 48:11; Gal. 1:5; Rom. 8:18).
CONCLUSION: These crowns are special rewards for excellence, obedience, maximum efforts and extra-ordinary service rendered. These eternal rewards will be permanent, incorruptible, and will never fade away.