The prayer of faith is the “prayer that changes things.” It does not change people it changes things and circumstances. It has been said that God answers every prayer. Sometimes He says “Yes.” Sometimes He says “No.” And sometimes He says “wait.” While there’s a lot of truth in that statement, why would you ever pray a prayer that God would say “No” to? They are of course, reason why we do that (mostly a lack of knowledge). The prayer of faith opens the door for God to work. The reason that the “prayer of faith” always gets answered is because of the very nature of faith (Heb.11:1). Faith is the most important quality of a prayer that God answers. Faith is that quality that that trust in and cling to God. Faith attracts God. Without faith it’s impossible to please God. Faith is the raw material upon which the answers to our prayers are produced. Need and circumstances do not move God as much as faith. God is moved by faith.
James instructs the sick person to “call the elders of the church…” James doesn’t put the burden of prayer on the sick person; his responsibility is to call for others to pray, not just to pray alone. Of course, the sick person will ask God to help him-that’s taken for granted. We are always to pray, about everything. But when illness becomes serious, the sick person doesn’t need to rely only upon his own faith; he is to call for the elders.
JESUS MINISTRY EXAMPLES: Some faith is a necessary environment for healing to occur. When Jesus ministered in his hometown of Nazareth, the scripture says “He could not do any miracles there….and he was amazed at their lack of faith” (Mark 6:5-6)
The coming to meet Jesus is a sign of faith or curiosity. Jesus always sometimes asks a question to determine their faith or motivate their faith. In two instances, blind men called out to Jesus. He asked them:
“Do believe that I am able to do this” (Matt. 9:28)
“What do you want me to do for you” (Matt. 20:32)
This is not just a test of faith, but an encouragement to faith, a stimulus to believe. Jairus comes asking Jesus to heal his daughter, but when messengers come from to report her death, Jesus can see Jairus faltering. “Don’t be afraid; just believe” Jesus assures him, “and she will healed” (Luke 8:50)
The case of the epileptic boy calls for close examination (Mark 9: 17-29; Matt.17:14-21) Jesus said to the boys father; “if you can believe all things are possible to him who believes” (Mark 9:23) the boy father said; “I do believe; help my unbelief” (verse 24) But it wasn’t not only the father’s faith involved in the healing. Why had the disciples failed to cast out the demon causing the illness? Jesus explained it, “because of you have little faith” (Matt.17:20). Whose faith was most vital to healing? The father or the disciples? I think the disciples’ faith was more crucial. They had much more experience with healing and faith and prayer than the father.
Too often those with healing gifts blame lack of healing on the sick person, rather than take responsibility for their own lack of faith. Yes “according to your faith will it be done to you” is a principle (as in Matt. 9:29), but it was Jesus’ act of faith that accomplished the healing. The sick person (or father) needs to be open to healing, but the expectation for faith is upon the one or ones doing the praying, and so it is in James. In James, the sick person is to “call for the elders of the church,” but it is the elders who are responsible to pray the “prayer of faith”
- Cain and Abel.
- Samuel (1 Sam.7-13)
- (James 5:17-18)
- Daniel (10:12)
- Solomon (1 Kings 3: 9-13)
- Apostle Peter healing the lame man at the beautiful gate.
- Always get answered.
- Is always substance
- Must always be according to God’s will. (1 John 5:14-15)
- Must bring expectation with it
- Does not waiver (James 1:5-8)
- The prayer of faith keeps a person stable until the answer comes because God and His word are trusted.
- Only the Holy Spirit authors the prayer of faith (Rom. 8:26-27)
- Perseverance in prayer. (Eph. 6:18; Col.4:2; 1 Thess. 5: 17)
- Not based on quantity but the quality of the faith. Levels of quality- strong versus weak (Rom 4:19-21; 1 Cor. 16:13) Little faith (Matt. 6:30; 8:26; 14:31; 16:8)
- Must be based on the blood sacrifice. (1 Sam. 7:9; Heb.9:22)
- It will always glorify God (1 Sam 7:12)
- The prayer of faith will be challenged. (1 Sam. 7-9 ; Matt. 14:31)
- The prayer of faith must be witnessed by action of what you confess and repent. (1 Sam. 7:4-6 ; James 5: 15-16)
- It is not dependent on the faith of others (As prayer of agreement) {Matt.21:21-22)
- It is a present tense prayer. The moment you pray believe you have it now, because “faith is” or “now” (Heb.11:1)
- You hold the key to the prayer of faith being answered (Daniel 10:12) It should be a one time prayer, but keep praying. Learn to pray different ways. One prayer of faith, 50 confessions of faith, 100 thanksgiving and 50 rebukes to the devil.
- Unbelief will stop this prayer from being answered. God does not honor unbelief. (James 1: 5-8)
SCRIPTURES THAT SHOWS THAT GOD HONORS THE PRAYER OF FAITH: God’s phone# Jeremiah 33:3; God’s 911 phone #-Psalm 91:15; 50:15; 18:6; Isaiah 65:24.